Phelma Formation 2022

Electrochemical methods II

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 8.0
    • Tutorials 8.0
    • Laboratory works 12.0


    ECTS 2.5


Bibliographic survey and labwork on the principal quantitative electrochemical techniques to study redox phenomena.

LEVEL : advanced lecture in electrochemistry

Contact Jean-Pierre PETIT


Lecture : principles and applications of the voltammetry, step methods and impedance spectroscopy.

PS : apply the fundamental principles on typical examples from the literature.

  • Choice of the electrochemical cell (volume, type of working electrode, counter-electrode, geometry of the cell; 2 or 3 electrode cell). Electroactivity domain, ohmic drop, mass transport conditions.
  • Voltammetry: impact of the potential sweep rate, the size of the working electrode, the convection (natural and unforced)...
  • Impedance spectroscopy : stationarity, linearity ?
  • Practical applications of various techniques to study the same electrochemical system.


Basics in electrochemistry & advanced in electrochemical kinetics


Written exam (2h) + report

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Master-Recherche->Semester 4
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 4
Curriculum->Master Electrochimie et Procédés->Semester 4


Instrumental methods in electrochemistry. Southampton Electrochemistry Group, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1985.

Electrochimie. Principes, méthodes et applications. A.J. Bard & L.R. Faulkner. traduction : Masson, Paris, 1983.