Phelma Formation 2022

English - 3PMCAN29

  • Number of hours

    • Tutorials 26.0


    ECTS 2.0


Students will be encouraged to hone their communication skills through project work carried out in a small group learning environment conducive to genuine student interactions and the improvement of speaking and writing skills in concrete situations. This approach will complement that of semester1 and our aim will be:

  • to further improve oral/written comprehension and speaking skills through regular practice and student involvement in professionally relevant project work (group work, roleplay, etc.)
  • to enhance communication skills to convince others of the value of one's process or project
  • to master professional presentation tools (using adequately designed slides and posters) and to discuss findings using clear, accurate language and adequate register
  • to answer general or technical questions constructively, taking into account the specificity of once's audience
  • to further develop note-taking and oral/written reporting skills based on listening comprehension
  • to work as a team on joint projects and to understand the value of sharing a joint technical and scientific background in a multicultural context
  • to develop group creativity and interpersonal skills through innovative projects
  • to monitor one's progress and develop personal improvement strategies for B2 level and beyond
Contact Veronique DUDLEY-BEGUIN


Aspects covered in class will include:

  • pronunciation, intonation, voice projection, body language, interaction with the audience and adequate use of professional presentation tools and techniques (Impress™, PowerPoint™, posters)
  • language work including: general and specialised vocabulary in context; use of appropriate tenses, connectors and register in oral & written discourse
  • note-taking and writing skills practice based on listening comprehension tasks
  • professional, poster-type presentation of an industrial processes (origins, process, equipment, stakes and results, costs and statistics)
  • presenting to convince in a competition for investment funds
  • creative linguistic group work through teacher-initatited projects


Minimum requirement: A2 level


The exam is given in english only 

Continuous assessment (70%) + Exam (30%)

N1 = CC (70%) + Examen (30%)
Seul l'examen peut faire l'objet d'un rattrapage

Additional Information

This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Common courses->Semester 2


Livret pédagogique interne propre à Phelma pour chacun des semestres. Ressources ciblées par l’équipe pédagogique en fonction des besoins des futurs ingénieurs en Physique, Electronique et Matériaux.

Pour la préparation à l'épreuve de certification B2:
Essential BULATS with Audio CD and CD-ROM - Cambridge ESOL (Author), Clark (Author)

L’anglais à Phelma, c'est aussi : une médiathèque anglophone riche en ouvrages et DVDs; des outils d'auto-apprentissage en ligne et à distance