Phelma Formation 2022

Mass Transport - 4PMPTDM9

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 8.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 16.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 2.0


Describe and quantify the mass transport phenomena from a macroscopic approach, with special emphasis on the most usual limit cases in chemical engineering and electrochemistry

Contact Raphael BOICHOT


A - Fundamental concepts

  • AI - Notion of flux and mass balance. Analogy between heat and mass fluxes. Particular case of the steady state regime
  • AII - Decomposition of a mass flux into three contributions: diffusion, migration, convection (natural and unforced). Correlation with non-equilibrium thermodynamics: chemical potential gradient. Nernst-Einstein law (migration vs. diffusion)
  • AIII - Ordre of magnitude and principal experimental techniques of determinations for diffusion coefficients, electric mobility and fluid velocity in different media (solid, liquid & gas phases)

B - Important particular cases

  • BI - Fick law. A few examples of concentration profil shape (stationary & transient regimes) for different boundary conditions and cell geometries
  • BII - Ohm law. Primary current distribution in a conducting system. Application to various geometries
  • BIII - Film theory/Nernst model. Correlation with hydrodynamics (Levich, Sherwood,...). Double film model
  • BIV - Diffusion with homogeneous chemical reactions : Hatta number, acceleration factor, etc.

C - More complex examples

  • CI - Multi-component media (gas ou solution blends). From an ideal to a real system; multi-component diffusion (Maxwell-Stefan model)
  • CII - Polyphases media (ex. Porous media). Notion of effective diffusion coefficients
  • CIII - Coupled heat and mass transport


Basics in thermochemistry and heat transfer


Written exam (2h)

Examen Ecrit : 100%
En cas de confinement : Examen Ecrit à distance : 100%

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 7
Curriculum->Master->Semester 7


Trambouze, Euzen : Les réacteurs chimiques
Wauquier, Euzen, Trambouze, Les réacteurs chimiques, recueil d’exercices
Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot : Transport Phenomena
Taylor, Krishna : Multicomponent Mass Transfer
Perry, Chilton : Chemical Engineers’ Handbook
Poling, Prausnitz, O’Connel : Properties of gases and liquids
Treybal : Mass Transfer Operations
Benitez : Mass Transfer Operations
NASA Technical Report R132