Phelma Formation 2022

Nuclear physics - 4PMGPNU9

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 30.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 14.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 2.0


    ECTS 3.0


Advanced nuclear physics, PhD in experimental nuclear physics

Contact Gabriela THIAMOVA


Nuclear models - Fermi model - Mean field potential- Harmonic oscillator potential - Spin-orbite term and magic numbers - Description of nuclear states - Properties of deformed nuclei.

Alpha Transitions - Energy diagram and barrier transparency - Alpha emission probability - Alpha spectroscopy and nuclear states.

Weak Transitions - Energy relations - Model of Fermi of the beta transitions - Electron capture - Classification of transitions and nuclear matrix elements.

Electromagnetic transitions- Operator properties - Classification of transitions - Estimation of orders of magnitude - Interpretations and configurations of nuclear states.

Mechanism of fission - Spontaneous and induced fission - Fissibility parameter - Resonances - Kinematics of different processes.


Quantum Qechanics
Basics of Nuclear Physics


Semester 8 - The exam is given in english only 

En présentiel ou distanciel

*Évaluation rattrapable :*
Type d'évaluation : Examen écrit
Durée : 2h
Documents interdits : OUI
Matériels spécifiques autorisés : Non
Calculatrice : Oui
Possible en distanciel : OUI
Commentaire :

100% Examen écrit.

Additional Information

Semester 8 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 8


Kenneth S. Krane -Introductory nuclear physics - Edition John Wiley & Sons.
Emilio Segré - Nuclei and particles - Edition Benjamin.