Phelma Formation 2022

Physiology and Bioenergetics - 4PMBPBI6

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 10.0
    • Projet 0
    • TD 4.0
    • Stage 0
    • TP 0

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 1.0


To provide an overview of the pathways by which metabolic substrates are absorbed, stored, and used by the human organism in physiological and pathophysiological conditions.

Contact Denis ROUSSEAU


Following an introduction regarding macromolecules composing living systems and the main biochemical reactions involved in energy production, the physiology of the liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle will be described as well as their roles in bioenergetics. Physiological (exercise) and pathophysiological (type I and II diabetes) variations of bioenergetic metabolism will then be studied in details. Finally, cardiovascular physiology will be described as well as the main pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases.


None – all required concepts will be delivered over the course. However, a background in cellular biology might facilitate the assimilation of the 1st part of the course (Introduction, see above), which is crucial for an in-depth understanding of the subsequent physiological and pathophysiological developments.

Contrôle des connaissances

Semestre 8 - L'examen existe uniquement en anglais 

MAJ Avril 2023
En présentiel SESSION1:
Type d'évaluation : Devoir Surveillé
Durée : 2h
Modalités : tous documents autorisés
Calculatrice : autorisée

session 2 condition normale :
type d'examen : préciser DS ou oral ou rapport etc...
durée :
modalités :
calculatrice :

session 1 condition confinement :
type d'examen : préciser DS ou oral ou rapport etc...
durée :
modalités :

session 2 condition confinement :
type d'examen : préciser DS ou oral ou rapport etc...
durée :
modalités :
calculatrice :

session 1 condition normale : 100% DS

session 2 condition normale : 100% DS

session 1 condition confinement :

session 2 condition confinement :

Informations complémentaires

Semestre 8 - Le cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN

Cursus ingénieur->Filières->Semestre 8
Cursus ingénieur->Masters->Semestre 8