Phelma Formation 2022

Electrooptic sensors & Bio electromagnetism (UGA) - WPMWESB7

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 4.0
    • Projet 0
    • TD 4.0
    • Stage 0
    • TP 0
    • DS 0

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 0.75


The aim of this module is to give an overview of the existing techniques related to the electric field analysis within harsh environments. More precisely, this course will explain both the fundamentals of optical modulations in non-linear crystals and how to exploit this phenomena to develop suitable sensors. A focus will be dedicated to the influence of the ambient media on the sensor behavior. Examples of measurements in biological media and in ionized media with specific electro-optic sensors will be given.

Contact Laurent MONTES


Introduction and context: why measuring the electric (E) field ? requirements for E-field measurement; definition of relevant characteristics for E-field sensors; benchmarking of exiting sensors; Optical sensor for the E-field vectorial analysis; Active sensors : principles & perfomances; Example of field assessment; Passive sensors: principles & perfomances; Example of field assessment in air, in biological media; Example of intense field assessment associated to partial or total discharge; Example of intense field assessment in the vicinity of plasmas for biomedical applications.


Basic knowledge of electromagnetism

Contrôle des connaissances

Semestre 9 - L'examen existe uniquement en anglais 

WE=written exam

WE=written exam

Final mark=100% WE

Informations complémentaires

Semestre 9 - Le cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN

Cursus ingénieur->Double-Diplômes Ingénieur/Master->Semestre 9