Phelma Formation 2022

Basics in Electrochemistry - 4PMPNEL0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 8.0
    • Tutorials 8.0
    • Laboratory works 24.0


    ECTS 2.0


Provide for the fundamental and experimental basics in electrochemistry.

LEVEL : basic lecture in electrochemistry

Contact Alain DENOYELLE


A - Fundamental concepts

  • AI - Introduction & oxidoreduction.
  • AII - Current and galvanic chain (heterogeneous systems) : electrode polarity, anode and cathode in generator & electrolyser operation.
  • AIII - Potential, tension, polarisation & experimental setup: reference electrodes, 2 or 3 electrodes cell, potentiostat.

B - Electrochemical systemes in operation

  • BI - The thermodynamic equimibrium : Nernst law.
  • BII - Systems under current flow: Faraday law, ohmic drop.
  • BIII -Polarisation plots and et reactions forcast ; steady conditions (I,U) in generator & electrolyser operation..


Basics in redox chemistry and electricity


Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Master-Recherche->Semester 3
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 3
Curriculum->Master Electrochimie et Procédés->Semester 3


Electrochimie. Des concepts aux applications.

F.Miomandre, S.Sadki, P.Audebert & R.Meallet-Renault. Dunod, 2005.