The Cognitive Sciences Master Program of Grenoble offers an original and unique coupling of engineering sciences and computer sciences on the one hand, with knowledge and problematic tied to human and social sciences and/or to artistic creation on the other hand. With such a strong multidisciplinary background, the cursus leads to professional opportunities in fields such as: computer sciences and technologies, modelling, neurosciences and neuro-imagery, communication and cognition, artistic creation, human-machine interaction, cognitive robotics, interfaces and computer and conceptual environments for creation, formation and pedagogy.
the Natural and Artificial Cognition (CNA) parcours
This course is based on a shared pedagogical core in first year (M1), then specializes in second year (M2).
The Master, by its very nature multidisciplinary, is built on the strengths of the implied disciplines in Grenoble. It is accredited both by Grenoble INP (engineering schools) and by Grenoble-Alpes University, and stands against four research laboratories in Grenoble: ACROE (Association pour la Création et la Recherche sur les Outils d’Expression), ICA (Ingénierie de la Création Artistique), GIPSA-lab (Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique) and LPNC (Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition). It benefits also of a support from the center Grenoble Cognition, from many other laboratories on an international scale, and from the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.
By being strongly tied to research, the Master’s students gain access to the experimental platforms of many research laboratories in Grenoble, and to all of their research seminars. Students are hence exposed, on a regular basis, to theory but also to practice. In particular, the training program figures research projects and art creation projects, and training periods in laboratories and/or in the industry (2 to 3 months in the Master-1; 5 months in the Master-2).
- Who should apply? Bac + 3, Bac + 4
Entry requirements
It is possible to enter the Master program at two levels : Master-1 for a complete cursus (M1 + M2), or directly on the Master-2 level.Two distinct specialities are proposed at the Master-2 level: the “parcours Art, Science, Technology” (AST) and the “parcours Cognition Naturelle et Artificielle” (CNA).
The Master-1 level, which is common to the two specialities, is opened to students having a background in sciences of nature or in engineering sciences. Examples include: computer sciences, signal processing and automatics, cognitive sciences, physics, modelling and simulation, acoustics, image synthesis, etc. The Master-2 level welcomes students having such background, but also to students with a background in human and social sciences or fine arts.
- Internship abroad Yes