Phelma Formation 2022

Electrochemical thermodynamics and kinetics - 4PMPTEL0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 10.0
    • Tutorials 10.0


    ECTS 2.0


Provide advanced notions in electrochemical thermodynamics and kinetics.

Contact Renaud BOUCHET


A - Thermodynamics

  • AI - Electric, chemical and electrochemical potentials.
  • AII - Thermodynamic equilibrium for homogeneous systemes and interfaces
  • AIII - The galvanic chain: Nernst law, relationship between redox potentials and reaction thermodynamical parameters.

B - Current flow: non-equilibrium process

  • BI - Mass balance: fluxes, current density (faradaic and capacitive), Faraday law.
  • BII - Current flow through a volumic conductor: migration, convection, diffusion, macroscopic and microscopic aspects.
  • BIII - Current flow through an interface : concentration profiles for a fast and reversible system, kinetic model of an heterogeneous reaction (E mechnism), steady-state polarisation for a fast (diffusion limitation: expression of the limiting current) or slow system (kinetic limitation: Butler-Volmer law).

Level : basic lecture in electrochemistry


Basics in electrochemistry


Written exam (2h) with documents

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Master-Recherche->Semester 3
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 3
Curriculum->Master Electrochimie et Procédés->Semester 3


Electrochimie. Concepts fondamentaux illustrés. C. Lefrou, P. Fabry, J.C. Poignet. EDP Sciences, collection Grenoble Sciences, Paris 2013.

Electrochimie. Des concepts aux applications. F.Miomandre, S.Sadki, P.Audebert & R.Mealleat-Renault. Dunod, 2005.