Phelma Formation 2022

Fundamentals in corrosion/oxydation - WPMUFCO0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 5.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 5.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 8.0


    ECTS 1.0


*Main Objectives:
**Grasp the impact of corrosion on industrial sectors
**Indentify the environmental conditions leading to high temperature corrosion

    • Understand the physicochemical mechanisms leading to high temperature corrosion Intended

*learning outcomes:
**Identify industrial sectors impacted by corrosion
**Use Ellingham diagram to understand the chemistry of an oxide layer
**Understand the physicochemical mechanisms leading to oxide scale formation
**Understand the role of Cr, Si, Al alloying element in high temperature corrosion resistance
**Define and conduct experiments to study the impact of different parameters on the oxidation resistance
**Perform full analysis of oxidation kinetics with SEM, optical microscope and weighting machine
**Perform mechanical tests (bending and ring compression) and analyze results

Contact Valerie PARRY


*Courses and tutorial
*#What is corrosion, high temperature corrosion vs. wet corrosion
*#Thermodynamic fundamentals (Ellingham diagrams, Two oxidant systems)
*#Mechanisms of high temperature oxidation(Transport mechanism,Rate of oxidation)
*#Oxidation of pure metals(Single scale layer system Ni/NiO, Multiple scale layer system Fe/FeO/Fe3O4/Fe2O3)
*#Oxidation of alloys (Selective oxidation, Internal oxidation,Stress generation / Response to stress)
*#Case study: oxidation of Zirconium alloys
*#Wet corrosion

This lab is common with the lab of fracture mechanics. Students are working on the LOCA with Zr4 alloy samples. They are studying the oxidation kinetics at various temperature and time (using Weight analysis, SEM and optical microscope) and the subsequent mechanical properties after oxidation using bending and ring compression tests. They have to compare their results to published data


Basic skills in chemistry and mechanics of materials (L3 level)


Semester 9 - The exam is given in english only 

written (2h) + reports on lab

final mark = Written exam (2h) + report on labs(2/3 + 1/3)

Additional Information

Semester 9 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Semesters A Choice->Semester 9
Curriculum->Internationals Cursus->Semester 9


*Introduction to the high temperature oxidation of metals, N. Birks, G. H. Meier, F. S. Pettit Cambridge University Press , 2006.
*ASM Handbook, Vol 13 Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing and Protection, Stephen D. Cramer, Bernard S. Covino, Jr., 2003.
*Corrosion and surface chemistry of metals, Dieter Landolt, EPFL Press, 2007.