Phelma Formation 2022

Introduction to business management

  • Number of hours

    • Tutorials 4.0
    • Laboratory works 16.0


    ECTS 1.5


To acquire basic notions, necessary to the understanding of business management.
To understand interactions between a company's main posts.

Contact Philippe BODIGLIO


The following classes will be given:

  • The market, commercial strategies and marketing
  • Accounting: calculation of production costs
  • Accounting: balance sheet, profit and loss account, and cash
  • Social framework: social climate, human resources management, and pay
  • Micro economy
  • Legal
  • Important communication concepts used in: writing a report, succeeding during an oral, working as a group.

These first steps in the professional world start with a make-believe company. Students, divided into groups of four, become the head of a company set in a world of competition. They must decide of their strategy and organization, and must take decisions: financial, technical and concerning human resources. Orders from the competing companies are entered by an organizer in a market simulator program, Winfirme. Students then analyze their results, and take further decisions. Inputs of fundamental knowledge alternate with game play. This simulation is in French, and takes place during a fixed period. At the end of it, students must offer an analysis of company management. They must moreover present a report of their actions. Context of this report is theirs to decide (interview with journalists, meeting ...)



CC 10%
R 45%
O 45%

Additional Information

Course list


La lecture des quotidiens, hebdomadaires et mensuels économiques constitue la base de la bibliographie. Citons: l'Usine Nouvelle, Les Echos, Les enjeux des Echos.

Students are to read magazines specialized in economic issues, such as the following : l'Usine Nouvelle, Les Echos, Les enjeux des Echos

Ouvrage: L'entreprise en 20 leçons - Pierre Conso, Farouk Hémici - 4ème édition - Dunod, 2006.