Phelma Formation 2022

Mathematics - 3PMRMAT4

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 30.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 34.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 3.5


Mastery of essential mathematical concepts to approach physics courses, signal processing, electromagnetism, etc.

Contact Michel CELETTE


  • Complex numbers
  • Matrix calculation and applications
  • Introduction to vector spaces
  • Limited developments of the functions of the real variable
  • Differential calculus (partial derivatives, differential, differential equations)
  • Multidimensional integral calculus and applications
  • Fourier analysis
  • Operators for electromagnetism
  • Laplace transforms
  • Probability: random variables


Mathematics program of the DUT GEII


2 hours written exam
1 Labwork

Note finale :
quelque soit les conditions de composition la note est calculée de la manière suivante :
au titre de la session 1:
1/3 EX1 + 1/3 (EX2+TP) + 1/3 EX3
au titre de la session 2 :
les notes de session 2 des examens 1,2 ou 3 se substituent à celles de la première session pour le calcul de la note finale de session 2.
Par exemple : l'apprenti passe en session 2 l'examen 1 seulement, sa note de session 2 se calcule de la façon suivante :
1/3 EX1 session 2 + 1/3 (EX2+TP) session 1 + 1/3 EX3 session 1

Final score :
Whatever the conditions of composition, the mark is calculated as follows:
for session 1:
1/3 EX1 + 1/3 (EX2+TP) + 1/3 EX3
for session 2 :
the marks of session 2 of examinations 1, 2 or 3 are substituted for those of the first session for the calculation of the final mark of session 2.
For example: the apprentice takes exam 1 only in session 2, his session 2 mark is calculated as follows
1/3 EX1 session 2 + 1/3 (EX2+TP) session 1 + 1/3 EX3 session 1

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Alternance MT->Semester 5