Phelma Formation 2022

Physico-chemistry of materials - 4PMPPCM0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 6.0
    • Tutorials 6.0


    ECTS 1.5


This lecture is an introduction to the different types of materials and their properties. The role of the crystalline structure, of the chemical bonding and the cohesion of solids is presented in relationships with the properties of materials. Some examples of devices taking into account solids are used to show how a given application can determine the selection of a particular material versus its properties. Elastic, electric and thermal properties are studied. The importance of defects is given especially for ionic conductivity of solids. This lecture includes some basis notions on phase diagrams and phases transformations.

LEVEL : Basis in Materials Science

Contact Elisabeth DJURADO


  • Large types of materials and their applications, Chemical bondings and cohesion of solids
    (2h C)
  • Chemical bondings and properties of materials (2hC)
  • Coulombic interaction in solids (2hTD)
  • Defects in solids (2hC)
  • Punctual defects and ionic conductivity (2hTD)
  • Equilibrium phases diagrams and phase transformations (2h C+TD)



Written exam (2h)

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Master-Recherche->Semester 3
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 3
Curriculum->Master Electrochimie et Procédés->Semester 3


  • M.Ashby, D.Jones : Matériaux, volumes 1 et 2, Dunod (ed.anglaise: Pergamon Press)
  • W.Kurtz, Traité des matériaux, vol 1, Presses Universitaires de Lausanne