Number of hours
- Lectures 13.0
- Projects ?
- Tutorials 13.0
- Internship ?
- Laboratory works ?
- Written tests ?
ECTS 3.0
- Digital images and representations
- Image quality improvment
- Image restauration and filtering
- Contours extraction
- Image segmentation
- Visual perception
- Colour images
3 lab sessions: 2x3h to illustrate some basic image processing methods + 1x3h to study an iris recognition algorithm
Basic notions of signal processing
Basic notions of Matlab programming
Semester 9 - The exam is given in english only
Oral presentation + 2 reports after lab-sessions
N1 = (Oral pres + report1 +report 2)/3
This course brings 2.0 ECTS to students in UE Sc Inge (BIOMED S9)
Semester 9 - This course is given in english only
Handbook of image and video processing, Al Bovik, 2000, Academic press
Images numériques couleur : de l'acquisition au traitement, A. Tremeau, C. Fernandez-Maloigne, P. Bonton, 2004, Dunod
Introduction au traitement d'images, Gilles Burel, 2001, Hermès
Traitement et analyse des images numériques, S. Bres, J.M. Jolion, F. Lebourgeois, 2003, Hermès