A consequent research network
Careers in research
The research component at Phelma is amongst the highest of all the engineering schools in France. Nearly 30% of engineering graduates embarked on obtaining a PhD. -
In synergy with the world of research
The research component at Phelma is amongst the highest of all the engineering schools in France. Nearly 30% of engineering graduates embarked on obtaining a PhD.
Grenoble and Rhône-Alpes area: an unique scientific centre in Europe
- 200 laboratories
- Phelma is specially associated with: Gipsa-lab, ICA, IMEP-LAHC, Institut Néel, LEPMI, LIG, LMGP, LNCMI, LPSC, LTM , SIMAP, SPINTEC, TIMA.
- "Grands Instruments": ESRF, ILL, European Moleculear Biology Laboratory - EMBL, Institut de Biologie Structurale - IBS, Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses - LNCMI
Phelma is involved in:
- 2 industrial clusters:
- Minalogic (MIcro NAnotechnologies et LOgiciel Grenoble-Isère Compétitivité): to pool research and cooperation in developing miniaturized chips
- Tenerrdis (industrial and research cluster for renewable energies in Rhône-Alpes region and for the development of new energetical technologies): to promote research and business spin-offs in new energy technology.
- 2 "Carnot Institutes": “Energies du Futur”, "Software and Intelligent Systems"
- Nanotechnology thematic networks
- RTRA (Réseau thématique de recherche avancée): Nanosciences Fondation
- IRT (Institut de recherche technologique NanoElectronique)
- The co-location center KIC Inno-Energy
- The co-location center KIC Raw Materials
- 11 associated laboratories
- +100 teachers-researchers
- 25% of Phelma engineering graduates embarked on obtaining a PhD
- 300 PhDs supervised by Phelma's teachers-researchers