As a French Master programs student
Phelma delivers several master degrees taught in French:
- Photonics and Semiconductors
- Matériaux pour l'énergie
- Nuclear power
- Electrochemistry and Processes
- Materials Science for Nuclear Engineering
Phelma delivers several master degrees taught in English:
- Nanomedicine and structural biology
- Signal image processing methods and applications
- Engineering of Functional Materials
To be eligible for such a master program, you must have completed:
- Either a Bachelor of Science or equivalent
- Or a 1st master year or equivalent
- Or a master of science or equivalent
Candidates have to write a specific file which is reviewed by the admission committee.
There is no specific French requirement, but applicant should have sufficient French knowledge to understand courses (B2 level is recommended). However, in some countries, application must be done via French Embassy (Campus France) with specific French requirements demanded by the Embassy.
The length of studies in France is one or two years depending of the chosen master.
For specific information and application process for each French master program, click here.