As an Engineering degree student
Phelma delivers an engineering degree which is equivalent to a master degree and gives access to PhD studies. Nine different specializations are proposed. Among all the proposed specializations, the Biomedical Engineering filière only is totally taught in English. For the other filières, most of the courses are taught in French.
To be eligible as an engineering degree student, you must have finished a three (or four) years Bachelor degree which field is related to the filières proposed at Phelma. As a result, the common core year of the Phelma’s program is not necessary and students are admitted directly in the second year of the Phelma’s program in the filière they have chosen. The duration of the studies is two years.
To apply, candidates have to write a specific file which is reviewed by the admission sur titre committee. To access the application process, please click here.
There is no mandatory French requirement, but applicant should have sufficient French knowledge for everyday life in France (B1 level is recommended) or to understand courses (B2 level is recommended) when the student choose a program taught in French. However, in some countries, application must be done via French Embassy (Campus France) with specific French requirements demanded by the Embassy.
In order to validate the engineering diploma, B2 level in English is required at the end of the studies whatever the track you choose.