As an International Master program student
Five international master degree programs taught in English are proposed at Phelma. The admission process is specific to each program (see the related websites).
- FAME+ is an International Master degree in Functionalized Advanced Materials & Engineering funded by the Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Union.
- AMIS is an International Master degree in Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability.
- Nanotech is a Master's Degree in Micro and Nano Technologies for Integrated Systems taking place at Phelma in France, Polito of Turin in Italy and Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne in Switzerland.
- Emine: it is a European Master in Nuclear Energy
- MaNuEn: it is a master degree in Material Science for Nuclear Engineering
To be eligible for such a master program, you must have completed:
- Either a Bachelor of Science or equivalent
- Or a 1st master year or equivalent
- Or a master of science or equivalent
There is no specific French requirement, but applicant should have sufficient French knowledge for everyday life in France (B1 level is recommended). However, in some countries, application must be done via French Embassy (Campus France) with specific French requirements demanded by the Embassy.
Level of English requirement depends on the chosen Master program.
The length of studies in France is one or two years depending of the chosen master.