Phelma Formation 2022

4PMCAN32 : English Semester 5 - 3PMCDAN0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 42.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0
    • Written tests 0


    ECTS 4.0


The main objective of S7 - 'CAREER ENGLISH' and S8 'ELECTIVES IN ENGLISH' - is to prepare students for the working and multicultural world in English-speaking countries/an English context. The course is based on the acquisition of knowledge, know-how and attitudes essential to fit successfully into an English-speaking work environment.

S8 is composed of a selection of modules with the objective of providing tools to continue to develop professional, cultural and intercultural skills

Contact Annielle MAYOUSSE


This first semester will be centered on finding an internship in an English speaking country/context. Students will write a CV and will be interviewed for an internship of their choice. Academic, scientific and technical language will be further developed in a 'personal profile', targeted to an internship in a company/lab or for graduate programs. Prepared and convincing public speaking will also be part of the course.

The second semester offers a variety of options in which to enhance oral and written skills.


Self-awareness and being autonomous


Semester 5 - The exam is given in english only 

100% Continuous assessment - cannot be caught up so regular attendance is essential.
No examination but students may be required - especially in Semester 8 - to submit work in writing that will be produced in class under exam conditions

Semester 7: 30% preparation for an internship; 25% personal profile; 25% other classwork (e.g. public speaking); 20% personal involvement and attendance

Semester 8: 20% Oral skills - group; 20% Oral skills - individual; 35% Written skills; 25% personal involvement and attendance

Additional Information

Semester 5 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Internationals Cursus->Semester 5