Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
- Laboratory works 8.0
ECTS 1.0
Introduction to one numerical method used in deterministic neutron transport codes : collision probabilities.
Understanding the industrial neutron calculation scheme.
Getting experience with the practical use of a deterministic neutron transport code for simplified reactor physics calculations.
Calculation of temperature coefficients, homogeneisation, fuel burn up calculations.
Contact Adrien BIDAUD, Tanguy COURAUContent(s)
Neutron Transport theory :
From transport to diffusion equation : assumptions and approximations.
Example of a transport solution method : Collision Probabilities.
Preparing diffusion cross section : energy condensation, flux-volume homogeneisation, transport-diffusion equivalence.
Fuel burn-up calculation.
Fuel management
Industrial calculation scheme
- Reactor physicis : criticality, temperature feedbacks, fuel management
- Neutronics : slowing-down equation, resonance self-shielding, transport equation, diffusion model
- Numerical methods : PDEs, numerical quadrature methods, solving numerically linear systems.
Exercice session evaluation (3*10%)
Simulation project : Fuel burn-up of simple fuel cells (70%)
note = 30%TD + 70%projet
DRAGON User Manual : TECHNICAL REPORT IGE–174 Rev. 12 (Release 3.06L)
"La Neutronique", Monographies CEA/DEN, 2013, ISBN 978-2-281-11371-6
Applied Reactor Physics, Alain Hebert, Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2009