Autonm semester starts early September. Spring starts at the beggining of January.
Phelma has partnerships with Universities all over the world. The most well-known exchange program is the ERASMUS + program in which exchange agreements between European universities are signed. Those agreements might be or might not be double degree programs.The main principle of exchange program is that each student pay registration fees in his/her own university. Only a few mandatory and unavoidable costs remain at your charge in Phelma.
Phelma has partnerships with Universities all over the world. The most well-known exchange program is the ERASMUS + program in which exchange agreements between European universities are signed. Those agreements might be or might not be double degree programs.The main principle of exchange program is that each student pay registration fees in his/her own university. Only a few mandatory and unavoidable costs remain at your charge in Phelma.
To be eligible to such exchange programs in Phelma, you must first check with your home University if an exchange partnership with Phelma has been signed.
Even if any French language certification is required to apply at Phelma, we recommend to any in-coming exchange students to have a minimum French level in order to be able to follow the courses (B2 French level is recommended if you want to follow courses taught in French). To live in France, even for short period, it is always better to have a sufficient knowledge of French before arrival anyway.
Non degree exchange programs
The exchange consists in coming at Phelma to attend courses from 1 semester to 1 year. At the end of your exchange period you get a transcript of records with the corresponding ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). These credits are transferred to obtain your home University degree, but you do not obtain any Phelma’s degree.
Application requirements
- You must have achieved at least 2 years at University level before your arrival in Phelma.
- You have to be pre-selected and nominated at Phelma by your home University
- You have to define a course program.
Some important rules for course program definition. All the courses available at Phelma are described in the studies section. Without any opposite information, courses from Engineering degree and International Master degrees are open to exchange students.
At master level, courses are distributed between different specialized tracks or “filières”. By choosing courses in a single filière and a single year (either master One year or master 2 year), you will avoid any timetable conflicts. In other cases, avoiding timetable conflicts is not guaranteed. However it is recommended to choose courses coming from at most two different filières or two different master’s year in order to minimize as far as possible timetable conflicts.
Attendance to classes is mandatory and students have to be in Grenoble before the beginning of the courses they have chosen.
Concerning the amount of credit to select, if you do not have any constraints coming from your own university, we recommend to make a program between 15 to 20 ECTS credits. As an example, French students have to follow 30 ECTS credits each semester.
>>> Application process
Concerning the amount of credit to select, if you do not have any constraints coming from your own university, we recommend to make a program between 15 to 20 ECTS credits. As an example, French students have to follow 30 ECTS credits each semester.
>>> Application process
Degree exchange programs
In such a program, Phelma is going to deliver to the involved students a "Diplôme d'ingénieur" which as a master degree does, gives access to PhD studies.
Depending of your home university, double degree programs have been developed with different specialized Phelma’s tracks or filières or International master degrees. The duration of your stay at Phelma is 1,5 year to 2 years depending of the corresponding agreement in order to validate at least 90 ECTS in France. In most of the cases, courses programs have already been defined between Phelma and your home university (see Engineering degree or International master degrees). Please contact in order to have more information if necessary.
Depending of your home university, double degree programs have been developed with different specialized Phelma’s tracks or filières or International master degrees. The duration of your stay at Phelma is 1,5 year to 2 years depending of the corresponding agreement in order to validate at least 90 ECTS in France. In most of the cases, courses programs have already been defined between Phelma and your home university (see Engineering degree or International master degrees). Please contact in order to have more information if necessary.
Application requirements
- You must have achieved the Bachelor level at your University level before admission for second year’s courses at Phelma.
- You have to be pre-selected and nominated at Phelma by your home University