Number of hours
- Lectures 10.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 10.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 1.0
This course aims the acquisition, ability to understand and manipulate the basic concepts used for continuous and digital/sampled feedback systems with applications in the field of electronics.
This course covers fundamentals of control theory in continuous and dicrete time domain and major basic tools used in this discipline. On the other hand, the resolution of practical examples and exercises should lead to get good assimilation and skills of various techniques.
1- System Modelisation(block diagrams, transfer function, open loop, closed loop).
2- Harmonic graphic representation (Bode, Black, Nyquist) and Performances (stability, static and dynamic responses
3- Control system design (P, PI, PD and PID controllers)
4- Digital loop, sampling, Z transform
5- Digital Transfert function, Delay and modified Z transform
6- Stability, accuracy, and dynamics of digital controllers
7- Design of Digital controllers
Laplace Transform
signal sampling and quantification
DS = written examination (1h30)
Notes and documents forbidden
summary of lecture notes authorized (one handwritten A4 sheet)
1 homework report
Examen Ecrit : 80%
Rapports BE : 20%
- Techniques Modernes de Traitement numérique des Signaux. Murat Kunt. Presse Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1991.
- M. Rivoire, J.L. Ferrier: Cours d'automatique T2.Asservissements, régulation, commande analogique (Eyrolles, 1990).
- M. Rivoire, J.L. Ferrier : Cours automatique T3. Commande pour calculateur. Identification (Eyrolles, 1990).