Number of hours
- Lectures 8
ECTS 0,75
The content of this lecture is based on state of the art research achievements. Nevertheless, the explanations will be adapted for the students of master WICS
Gwenael Gaborit (
The content of this lecture is based on state of the art research achievements. Nevertheless, the explanations will be adapted for the students of master WICS.
- Introduction and context:
- Why measuring the electric (E) field ?
- requirements for E-field measurement
- definition of relevant characteristics for E-field sensors
- benchmarking of exiting sensors
- Optical sensor for the E-field vectorial analysis
- Active sensors
- principles
- perfomances
- example of field assessment
- passive sensors
- principles
- perfomances
- example of field assessment in air
- example of field assessment in biological media
- example of intense field assessment associated to partial or total discharge
- example of intense field assessment in the vicinity of plasmas for biomedical applications
- Conclusion
Additional exercises will be proposed for each section/ subsection of the lecture.
The exam is given in english only
1 written exam, 1 hour [to be confirm or modified]
Final mark= 1 (exam)
Lecture is given in English only.
H.I. Bassen and G.S. Smith. Electric field probes- a review. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-31 :710–718, 1983.
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M. Shinagawa, T. Nagatsuma, K. Ohno, and Y. Jin. A real time electrooptic handy probe using a continous-wave laser. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 50 :1076, 2001.
L. Duvillaret, S. Rialland, and J-L. Coutaz. Electro-optic sensors for electric field measurements. ii. choice of the crystals and complete optimization of their orientation. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 19 :2704–2715, 2002.
L. Duvillaret, S. Rialland, and J-L. Coutaz. Electro-optic sensors for electric field measurements. i.theoretical comparison among different modulation techniques. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 19 :2692–2703, 2002.
K. Yang, G. David, J.G. Yook, I. Papapolymerou, L.P. Katehi, and J.F. Whitaker. Electrooptic mapping and finite-element modeling of the near-field pattern of a microstrip patch antenna. Microwave Th. and Tech., 48, 2 :288–294, 2000.
K. Yang, L.P. Katehi, and J.F. Whitaker. Electro-optic field mapping system utilizingexternal gallium arsenide probes. App. Phys. Lett., 77,4 :486–488, 2000.
G. Gaborit, J-L. Coutaz, and L. Duvillaret. Vectorial electric field measurement using isotropic electro-optic crystals. App. Phys. Let., 90, 2007.
J. P. Pérez. Optique - Fondements et applications. éditions Dunod, 2004.
G. Gaborit. Caractérisation de champs électriques hyperfréquences par capteurs électro-optiques vectoriels fibrés. PhD thesis, Universite de Savoie, 2005.
P. Jarrige R.P. O’Connor G. Gaborit L. Duvillaret D. Arnaud-Cormos N. Ticaud, S. Kohler and P. Leveque. Specific absorption rate assessment using simultaneous electric field and temperature measurements. IEEE Ant. Wire. Prop. Lett., 11 :252–255, 2012.
G. Gaborit, J.Dahdah, F. Lecoche, P. Jarrige, Y. Gaeremynck, E. Duraz, and Lionel Duvillaret. A nonperturbative electrooptic sensor for in situ electric discharge characterization. IEEE Trans. Plasm. Sci., 41 :2851–2857, 2013.