Phelma Formation 2022

English - 3PMRAN15

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 24.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0
    • Written tests 0


    ECTS 1.5


Our aims will be:

  • to prepare students for their future multi-cultural and complex professional environments.
  • to offer an experimental zone via projects and teamwork to help develop the right tools for professional communication.
  • to enhance communication skills to convince others of the value of one's product or project
  • to master professional presentation tools and to discuss findings convincingly and efficiently
  • to answer general or technical questions constructively, taking into account the specificity of one's audience
  • to develop note-taking and oral/written reporting skills
  • to work as a team on small-group projects and to understand the value of sharing a joint technical and scientific background in a multicultural context
  • to develop group creativity and interpersonal skills through innovative projects
  • to monitor one's progress and develop personal improvement strategies for B2 level and beyond
Contact Guy LITTLE


Aspects covered in class will include:

  • presentation and negotiation techniques
  • awareness and analysis of social and scientific changes
  • note-taking and writing practice, based on mainstream news outlets and popular science publications
  • student insights into the history of ideas and the development of technologies
  • oral communication skills


Minimum requirement: A2 level


Semester 5 - The exam is given in english only 

100% Continuous assessment - evaluated oral and written tasks - regular attendance is essential.
Continuous assessment has been designed to be carried out either online or at Phelma (depending on the circumstances): 30% product fair; 20% 3-minute presentation ; 30% editorial; 20% personal involvement and attendance + student mobility and intercultural experience report

100% contrôle continu (en présentiel ou en ligne)
Présence et participation active essentielles

30% 'product fair' / présentation de produit
30% écriture d'un éditorial
20% présentation orale "In Focus"
20% implication dans le processus d'apprentissage
+ rapport "mobilité étudiante et expérience interculturelle"

Rattrapages (en présentiel ou distanciel): épreuve orale ou écrite en fonction des tâches non validées

Additional Information

Semester 5 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Apprentissage MEP->Semester 5
Curriculum->Alternance MT->Semester 5


Ressources pédagogique ciblées par l'équipe pour chacun des semestres en fonction des besoins des futur(e)s ingénieur(e)s en Physique, Electronique et Matériaux.

Pour la préparation à l'épreuve de certification B2:
To find out more about the test, go online and read the explanations provided by Cambridge University:
To practise with Linguaskill resources, please go to

L’anglais à Phelma, c'est aussi : une médiathèque anglophone riche en ouvrages et DVDs; des outils d'auto-apprentissage en ligne et à distance