Number of hours
- Lectures 0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 2.0
The third year Communication in English course consists of six 2hr classes either at the beginning or at the end of semester 9.
This course encourages students to reflect on and analyse their intercultural experience(s) in order to develop their communication skills in their future careers.
Contact Annielle MAYOUSSEContent(s)
Academic models of intercultural communication will be presented before gauging their relevance in specific case studies.
Students will constantly interact in English throughout class in game, presentation and role play activities.
Interviews will be carried out and then analysed through the prism of the various models of intercultural communication.
Level B1/B2 CEFRL minimum
Semester 9 - The exam is given in english only
Student continuous assessment during the intercultural communication course will be based on a group presentation (40%) and an individual written interview analysis (40%).
Participation and individual involvement (20%) will also be taken into account.
Le contrôle continu prendra en compte une présentation orale en groupe (40%) ainsi qu'une analyse écrite d'entretien individuel (40%).
La participation active en classe sera fortement encouragée (20%)
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in UE Cognitive Sciences: how? CNA S9
This course brings 1.0 ECTS to students in UE Languages and economic, human
Semester 9 - This course is given in english only
Des travaux de recherche correspondant à environ 6 heures de travail personnel seront programmés en début de formation. Cette préparation portera sur des ressources écrites et audios et fournira aux étudiants un premier aperçu du domaine choisi.