Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
Echelon 3 M2R SCOG 30.0 324.0 UE Natural and artificial cognition (choice to add up 12.0 ECTS) 12.0 216.0 Bayesian cognition - WPMCCOB0 3.0 18.0 Spoken communication - WPMCCOP0 3.0 18.0 Memory models and Learning in Natural Systems - WPMCMMA0 3.0 18.0 Signals, Images and Models of Visual perception - WPMCMPV0 3.0 18.0 Cognitive neurosciences of the Premature Skills - WPMCNCP0 3.0 18.0
UE Tools and Methods 6.0 36.0 Tools & meth. Exp. for the study of the brain& the behavior - WPMCOMC0 6.0 36.0
UE Cognitive psychology and language 6.0 36.0 Philosophy of the language - WPMCLPL1 1.5 9.0 Linguistics - WPMCLPL2 1.5 9.0 Cognitive psychology - WPMCPCO0 3.0 18.0
UE Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network 6.0 36.0 Artificial intelligence, Artificial Life and Cognition - WPMCIAC0 3.0 18.0 Artificial Neural Networks - WPMCRNF0 3.0 18.0
Echelon 4 M2R SCOG 30.0 23.0 - WPMCBULA 0.0 4.0
Modern languages (choice of 1 child element) 3.0 23.0 English (Masters II) - WPMCANG2 3.0 24.0 French Language - WPMCFLE3 3.0 22.0