Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 10.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 2.0
- understand the firm with financial views
- evaluate the matter of the management information system
- understand and analyze the financial reporting
- build and analyze balance sheet and income statement
- analyze the different costs and calculate the break-even point
- argue a management position
- The company: cycles, organization, information systems
- Financial diagnostic: income statement intermediate balances, analysis of financial structure (source of funding, capacity of self-financing), and of financial balance
- Cost calculation, direct costing and break-even point
Introduction to commercial management, knowledge of the main concepts: turnover, income, depreciation, stock variation, production costs, business law, and the use of human resources.
- First session (S1): written exam, one and a half hours long: analysis of case studies; documents are allowed. Pocket calculator is essential.
- Second session (S2): written exam (1 h) or oral or practical work; documents are forbidden. Grade replaces that of the first session.
*N1 = S1
- N2 = S2
Additional Information
This course brings 2.0 ECTS to students in UE Lang. & Prof. Train. 1 (M1R ElP)
Course list
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 7
Curriculum->SEI->Semester 7
Curriculum->SEOC->Semester 7
Curriculum->SIM->Semester 7
Curriculum->Degree Advanced Materials (AM)->Semester 7
Curriculum->Master->Semester 7
Curriculum->Common courses->Semester 7
Curriculum->IPhy->Semester 7
Curriculum->SICOM->Semester 7
Curriculum->Physics and Nuclear Engineering->Semester 7
Curriculum->BIOMED->Semester 7
*P. Cabane, « L’essentiel de la finance à l’usage des managers », Eyrolles 2ème édition 2008, 387p.
*JP. Regnard , « Lire un bilan c’est simple ! », Chiron éditeur 2004, 256p.
*R. Demeestère, P. Lorino et N. Mottis, « Contrôle de gestion et pilotage de l’entreprise », Dunod, 3ème édition, 2006, 334p.