Number of hours
- Lectures 4.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 20.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 1.0
Using illustrating examples, lectures will explain the dynamical organization of living cells, explore different techniques used to study cell functions and show the complementarity between experimental approaches and different scales.
Note that the written course is not taught in the classes. It should nevertheless be read and learned. During tutorials, the course will be used to understand articles and develop critical thinking and creative thinking in the biomedical field.
Contact Franz BRUCKERTContent(s)
- Lectures
- Membrane and cell compartments
- Gene expression in eukaryotes
- Cytoskeleton dynamics
- Membrane traffic
- DNA replication, repair and recombination
- BE : Scientific article analysis
- Molecular techniques for cell study: fluorescent protein expression, mutants and genetic screens, purification of intracellular compartments, in vitro reconstitution, in vivo protein interactio, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence
Molecular biology course
Documents are accessible through Chamilo
Semester 8 - The exam is given in english only
Attendance SESSION1:
Type of assessment: Report (R) and oral presentation (PO).
session 2 normal condition :
type of examination: Report (R) and oral presentation (PO).
session 1 confined condition :
type of exam: Report (R) and oral presentation (PO).
session 2 condition confinement :
type of exam: Report (R) and oral presentation (PO).
session 1 condition normale : Présentation orale (50%) et rapport écrit (50%)
session 2 condition normale : présentation orale (50%) et rapport écrit (50%)
session 1 condition confinement : présentation orale (50%) et rapport écrit (50%)
session 2 condition confinement : présentation orale (50%) et rapport écrit (50%)
This course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in Block Specialisation course NBS
Semester 8 - This course is given in english only
Stryer : Biochemistry, filth edt, Freeman
Alberts et al. Molecular biology of the cell fourth edt. Garland