Number of hours
- Lectures 17.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 17.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 3.5
- Learn the technological knowledge on material processes as thin films, single crystals and sintered materials.
- Know the physico-chemical phenomena involved in these processes.
1) Process of thin films by PVD (8h)
- Basic concepts on vacuum tecnology
- Thin film deposition techniques and pertinent parameters
2) Process of thin films by CVD (6h)
- Various processes for epitaxial deposition of monocrystalline thin films
- CVD and derived applications
- Thermodynamic calculations in CVD
3) Process of sintered materials (10 h)
- Powder characteristics and Sintering technology
- Physico-chemical phenomena, densification…
- Characteristics of products, case studies.
4)Process of bulk single crystals (10 h)
- Crystal growth technology
- Effect of growth parameters on the defects observed in the grown crystals.
Genesis of Microstructure - Part 1
Semester 8 - The exam may be taken in french or in english
Session 1 = 3h written exam on 4 topics. Documents allowed.
Session 2 = 3h written exam on 4 topics. Documents allowed.
Session 1 confined = 2h written exam in front of the camera (ZOOM) on 4 topics. Documents allowed.
Session 2 confined = 2h written exam in front of the camera (ZOOM) on 4 topics. Documents allowed.
100% examen écrit
This course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in UE Materials and Processes
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in UE Applied materials II S8
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in UE 1 Fundamentals of mat science 1
This course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in UE Materials 2
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in UE Applied Materials II
This course brings 2.0 ECTS to students in UE Applied Materials 2 S8
This course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in UE Materials
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in UE 6 Elaboration & Material charact
Semester 8 - This course may be followed in french or in english