Phelma Formation 2022

Guide Wave and Free Space - 3PMRPEG4

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 12.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 12.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 10.0


    ECTS 2.0


•Understanding of Maxwell equations from static and dynamic equations,
•Giving the main principles, in Maxwell theory, leading to free space propagation,
•Giving the main principles, in Maxwell theory, leading to guided propagation,
•Understanding the oldest as the newest transmission lines topologies.

Contact Florence PODEVIN


•Vocabulary, assumptions

•1. First equation
Electrostatic, Coulomb law formula / Gauss theorem, global, local / Electrostatic potential energy

•Training on electrostatic:
Spherical charge / Electrical energy

•2. Second equation
Magnetostatic, Lorentz law / Biot and Savart law / No magnetic charge

•3. Third equation
Electromotive force

•4. Forth equation
What did Maxwell added

•Training on magnetostatic
Solenoid / Magnetic energy

•5. Resolution of Maxwell equations in free space

•6. Dielectrics and metals

•Training on dielectrics and metals
Resolution of Maxwell equations in a guided medium: the rectangular waveguide

•7. Guided waves
Planar transmission lines in RF and millimeter waves
Novel type of transmission lines: slow-wave transmission lines


•Electric field
•Magnetic field
•Logical thinking


Final examination (-1 to +2 to the result depending on the labwork evaluation)

70% examen 30% TP

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Alternance MT->Semester 6


•Cours de Physique de Feynman, de Richard Feynman, Robert B. Leighton et Matthew Sands, Volumes 1 et 2, Editions Dunod
•Cours de Physique de Feynman en ligne :
•Equations de Maxwell / Ondes électromagnétiques, de Nicole Hulin, Michel Hulin, Denise Perrin, Ed. Dunod