Number of hours
- Lectures 16.0
- Projects ?
- Tutorials 8.0
- Internship ?
- Laboratory works ?
ECTS 2.0
Becoming accustomed to the reanoning of guided optics.
Learning how to size a structure into integrated optics.
Knowing the main components of integrated optics.
- Presentation of guided optics, optic fibres and integrated optics. Ray theory, jumping and index gradient designs,optic fibres, impulse spreading, optimal profile.
- Electromagnetic theory, notions of modes, vectorial wave equation. Guides with exact solution. Symetric designs TE-TIM modes, equation of dispersion. Asymetric guides. TE, TIM, HE, EH modes in an optical fibre.
- Coupling through the section. Coupling through evanescent waves, prism, network; coupling among guides.
Knowing Maxwell's equations in a material sphere.
Knowing Fourrier's mathematical transformed methods is useful.
Knowing the bases of quantic mechanics is useful.
A written exam whose duration is two hours.
Additional Information
Course list
Curriculum->IPhy->Semester 9
Curriculum->Double-Diploma Engineer/Master->Semester 9