Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 14.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 1.5
Understand heat transfer phenomena and assimilate the basic concept.
Acquire an order of magnitude of the various properties to be able to estimate quickly the main phenomena.
Contact Yves DELANNOY, Arthur DESPRESContent(s)
I. Balance
- 1. Energy balance
- 2. Heat transfer resistance (electrical analogy)
II. Radiation
- 1. electromagnetic spectrum
- 2. net radiation flux
- 3. basic laws
- 4. exchange bewteen 2 surfaces
III. Conduction
- 1. Conduction equation
- 2. Boundary conditions
- 3. Stationary application (1D)
- 4. Transient application (1D)
IV. convection
- 1. Dimensionless analysis
- 2. External forced convection
- 3. Internal forced convection
- 4. Free convection
Continuous control + Final evaluation
Contrôle continu : CC
Examen écrit Session1 : DS1
Examen écrit Session 2 : DS2
N1 = Note finale session 1
N2 = Note finale session 2
En présentiel :
N1 = 20% CC + 80% DS1
N2 = 100% DS2
En distanciel :
N1 = 20% CC + 80% DS1
N2 = 100% DS2
Commentaire : pour chaque exercice de CC, note 0 si ABS, non compté si ABJ
Additional Information
Course list
Curriculum->1Y Core Curriculum->Semester 6
Curriculum->Common courses->Semester 6
Incropera F.P., Dewitt D.P., Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer , 1996,4th ed, John Wiley & Sons