Number of hours
- Lectures 12.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 2.0
Knowing the hydrogen sector from production to use: advantages and disadvantages of this energy carrier
Contact Florence DRUARTContent(s)
This course is divided into 3 parts:
1. Introduction on energy carriers, the place of hydrogen
2. Production, storage and distribution of hydrogen:
focus on the most known processes: steam reforming and water electrolysis
3. Use of hydrogen in fuel cells: performance and durability
electrochimical conversion and storage, fundamentals of electrochemistry and chemical engineering
DS - 2h with documents
session 1 :
examen écrit 2h avec documents : 100%
session 2 :
examen écrit 2h avec documents : 100%
Additional Information
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in EU Electro conver sto EPEE GECS S9
Course list
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 9
Curriculum->Apprentissage MEP->Semester 9
Curriculum->Master->Semester 9