Number of hours
- Lectures 0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 20.0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 2.0
Practical application of the Sensors and Signal Conditioning course.
Contact Patrice PETITCLAIRContent(s)
4H of labwork Switched-capacitor filtering
16H realization of an electronic balance including :
- Study of an instrumentation amplifier with 3 discrete AOPs
- measurement of gain, common-mode voltage, differential gain, offset voltage
- identification of problems as a function of component accuracy and technology
- Measurement of bandwidth gain and identification of noise power on an integrated differential amplifier
- Measurement of transducer characteristics + amplification as a function of transducer mass
- Study of a digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converter
conversion step setting, staircase characteristic identification - measurement acquisition via Arduino Uno
- Noise elimination by averaging, tare setting and offset correction
- Weight measurement using synchronous measurement + demodulation (spectral analysis of signals)
Sensors and signal conditioning course
Operational amplifiers,
Power spectral density
Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion
One report will be made for the Switched-Capacitor Filters TP and a second for the Balance study.
The reports will be submitted to Chamilo at the end of the session concerned.
20% TP capacités commutées 80% TP balance
Le nombre de séance ne permet pas un rattrapage.