Phelma Formation 2022

Lab project II - VPMDLP21

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 0
    • Projects 176.0
    • Tutorials 0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 6.0


Learning the scientific workflow through an immersion in a scientific environment (laboratory). You will be supervised by a researcher or research engineer in a lab to acquire and explore the basis of experimental design in a scientific context.

Contact Marion DOHEN, Nathalie GUYADER, Ronald PHLYPO


The student will be supervised by a researcher or research engineer with whom s?he will explore the bases of experimental design in a lab setting.


VPMDIED1 Initiation to experiment design and research
VPMDLP11 Lab project I


Semester 8 - The exam is given in english only 

  • PRES: an oral presentation (10min) at the end of the project
  • REP: 5-page report presenting the experimental design and the tools that will be used in its execution
  • SUP: note du superviseur

N1 = 25% PRES1 + 25%REP1 + 50%SUP
N2 = 50%REP2 + 50%SUP

Additional Information

Semester 8 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Master->Semester 8


Brian Kennett: "Planning and Managing Scientific Research: A guide for the beginning researcher", ANU Press, 2014. Freely available from

S. P. Mukherjee, A guide to research methodology. Taylor & Francis, 2020.