Phelma Formation 2022

Magnetic nanostructures and Spintronics - 4PMTNMS4

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 10.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 2.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 1.0


The course focuses on using the properties of magnetic materials to design new sustainable and energy-efficient nanoscale applications. The phenomena underlying spintronics are presented and illustrated by applications such as MRAM non-volatile memories, magnetoresistive field sensors or nanoscillators.

Contact Liliana PREJBEANU


Magnetic materials: interactions, properties
Magnetic nanostructures: properties, fabrication, characterization
Spintronic phenomena (GMR, TMR, STT, SOT)
Magnetization dynamics
Applications: magnetoresistive magnetic field sensors
magnetic recording (magnetic hard disks)
magnetic RAM memories (STT-MRAM, SOT-MRAM, etc.)
spintronic nano-oscillators
chiral textures (magnetic domain walls, skyrmions, etc.)
The challenges of using magnetic components.


Basic knowledge of solid state physics, quantum physics and crystallography


Semester 8 - The exam is given in english only 

Written exam (2h)

En présentiel SESSION1:
Type d'évaluation : Devoir Surveillé
Durée : 2h
Modalités : AUTORISÉE : Notes de cours + copies des transparents + TD
AUTHORIZED: Copy of the slides and hand-notes of tutorials are allowed

session 2 condition normale :
type d'examen : Devoir Surveillé
durée :2h
modalités : AUTORISÉE : Notes de cours + copies des transparents + TD
AUTHORIZED: Copy of the slides and hand-notes of tutorials are allowed

session 1 condition confinement :
type d'examen : QCM enligne / MCQ online
durée :
modalités :

session 2 condition confinement :
type d'examen : QCM enligne / MCQ online
durée :
modalités :
calculatrice :

N1 = 100% DS1
N2 = 100% DS2

Additional Information

Semester 8 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->NANOTECH->Semester 8


Magnetic Domains A. Hubert, R. Schäfer (Springer, 1998)

Magnetism (vol. I Fundamentals, vol. II Materials and Applications) edited by E. du Trémontlet de Lacheisserier, D. Gignoux, M. Schlenker (Springer, 2004)

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials J.M.D. Coey (Cambridge University Press, 2010)