Phelma Formation 2022

Master Recherche International Sciences Génie des Matériaux - Manuen - Semester 5

Curriculum->Master RI MANUEN->Semester 5
Courses and group of courses nameETCShours per student
    • UE Fundamental in Nuclear Energy
    • Fundamentals in Materials Science0.024.0
      Fundamental in Nuclear Physics1.012.0
      General approach to energy issues1.010.0
      Fundamental in thermodynamics and nuclear reactor operations2.018.0
    • Elective choice (to choose 1 son)
      • UE 5 option components
      • Fuel cladding and rod cluster control assembly0.014.0
        Pressure vessels and internals0.018.0
        Circuits and exchangers0.010.0
        Non destructive testing0.010.0
        Polymer and concrete0.010.0
        Bak and future reactor generations0.024.0
      • UE 6 option nuclear fuels
      • Nuclear fuels design0.020.0
        Nuclear fuels fabrication and characterization0.021.0
        Nuclear fuels behaviour under irradiation0.030.0
        Nuclear fuel cycle 0.020.0