Master SGM - Parcours Engineering of Functional Materials



National diploma
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7
  • Mention
    • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Campus
    • GRENOBLE Scientific Polygon
  • Duration 2 ans
  • Available as
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education


This master program is offered within Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP) Phelma.

Additionally, it can be followed partly within the framework of international masters in partnership with other European universities. These master programs have dedicated admission procedures:

- Master FAMEAIS (Functional Advanced Materials Engineering with Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability)
- Master AMIS (Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability

This course, entirely in English, has a specific registration fee of 5000 € / year.


This master program aims at educating researchers for industry and academia in all sectors of materials engineering (structural and functional materials). In the framework of the Engineering school Phelma of Grenoble Institute of Technology, it delivers a high-level curriculum on the fundamentals of materials science and on applied materials engineering. The two second-year programs offer specialization respectively in the area of microelectronics and microsystems, in relation with the very active industrial sector in this area in Grenoble, and in the area of materials for nuclear engineering, in relation with the largest French industrial actors.

The master diploma can lead to a career in industry or to continuation with a PhD. Many PhD opportunities are offered in the many labs of the Grenoble area.

  • Training partners


    Main research labs partners of the master program:

    • Science and Engineering of Materials and Processing (SIMAP)
    • Laboratory of Materials and Physical Engineering (LMGP)
    • Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physico-chemistry of Materials and Interfaces (LEPMI)


    Main companies partners of the program:

    Energy sector
    Areva, CEA, EdF, Schneider Electric

    CEA, ST Microelectronics, Soitec

    Materials elaboration
    Constellium, ArcelorMittal, Ugitech, Aperam, Saint-Gobain, Aubert & Duval

    Airbus, Safran

    Internships during the master can be made both in academic labs or in industry. In the latter case, the subject of the internship needs to be validated by the master’s responsible to ensure the research component of the work.

    Other institution(s) delivering the degree

    Université Grenoble Alpes



  • Who should apply? Bac + 3, Bac + 4
  • Available as :
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education

Entry requirements

Admission is possible after a curriculum in the fields of materials chemistry, physical chemistry, process engineering and electrochemistry. Admission is made at level M1 (after validation of a license 3, L3) or at level M2 (after validation of an M1).

The opening of the program is conditioned by a sufficient number of participants


  • Course duration 2 ans


  • Language of instruction 100% in English.
  • Internship abroad No
  • Erasmus areas Materials science


  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7


Career profiles:

Academic Research
Research Engineer in industry
Technical counselling


Materials elaboration
Microelectronics and advanced materials

Further learning opportunities

  • Doctorate in electrochemistry
  • Doctorate in Process Engineering
  • Doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering

The master program can be followed by a PhD. The following doctoral school in Grenoble is particularly suited :
Doctoral school of Eningeering, Materials, Mechanics, Energetics, Environment, Processing, Production (IMEP2)
Links exist with the International doctoral school IDS FunMat within the EMMI (European Multifunctional Materials Institute)

French State controlled Master's degree

diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'Etat


Enseignant responsable : Daniel BELLET

 Secrétariat : Maxence REBOULLET
+33 (0)4 56 52 91 72

Other institution(s) delivering the degree