Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
- Projects 40.0
- Tutorials 15.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 4.0
Learning how to select a material and a process for a given application
Learning the challenges in new materials, recycling and eco-design
- background on materials properties
- new materials and application domains
- introduction to material and process selection (performance indices)
- recycling and eco-design
- case studies using CES software
- project given by an industrial
- good knowledge of materials and properties
Semester 9 - The exam may be taken in french or in english
report + oral presentation on the long project
* Rapport écrit
* Soutenance orale
Additional Information
Semester 9 - This course may be followed in french or in english
Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 9
Curriculum->Apprentissage MEP->Semester 9
Curriculum->Internationals Cursus->Semester 9
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
Michael F. Ashby
Butterworth-Heinemann, 4th Edition, 2011 - 624 pages