Number of hours
- Lectures 0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 6.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 16.0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 2.0
The objective of this course is for students to acquire skills in the field of microelectronic technologies. At the end of this course, students should be able to
- define what is a technological process flow
- choose technological processes adapted to the objective and be able to sequence them in such a way as to lead to the desired component(s)
- design the necessary masks for the desired component(s)
In the first part of the course, the students are confronted with a case study on which they will work in groups for 6 hours and to which they must provide a solution with the help of the documents provided.
In the second part, the students produce transistors, diodes and capacitors or photovoltaic cells in a clean room and thus apply the knowledge acquired during the first part of the course.
no prerequisites
Presential: Grade = 1/3 APP + 2/3 TP
1st part (APP): Continuous control + MCQ on computer + Oral
2nd part (Practical): Practical report
Distance learning: Grade = 1/2 APP + 1/2 TP
1st part (APP): Online MCQ + Oral via a platform
2nd part (TP): Report of "virtual TP" done on Chamilo
No session 2.