Phelma Formation 2022

Microstructures and properties - 4PMFMIC2

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 12.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 12.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 1.5


To give information about the links between microstructural parameters (defects, grain size…) and both
mechanical properties (hardening, brittleness, plastic deformation) and functional properties (electric,
magnetic…) of metals, ceramics and polymers.

Contact Fabien VOLPI


1. Effects of atomic bonds on properties
2. Microstructural parameters of metals and ceramics (vacancy, dislocation, grain size, precipitates, non
stoechiometry, pores and cracks, amorphous and crystallized structures, texture…)
3. Effects on mechanical properties of metals and ceramics (hardening, plastic deformation, ductility and
brittleness, property scattering…)
4. Effect on functional properties of metals and ceramics (piezoelectricity, di-electric properties, electrical
conductivity, ionic conductivity, magnetic properties, thermal properties…)


Teaching methods : Theoretical course and exercises
Language : Classes and assessment in English; Bibliography In English


Semester 7 - The exam is given in english only 

Closed-book Final Exam (2h).
Documents authorized.

Examen écrit 100%

Additional Information

This course brings 2.5 ECTS to students in UE 2 Materials and mechanics

Semester 7 - This course is given in english only EN
Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 7
Curriculum->Internationals Cursus->Semester 7


Ashby M.F. & Jones D.R.H. : Engineering Materials (vol. 1 & vol. 2),Oxford (1998)
Dorlot J. M. Bailon J.P. Nasounave J, Des Materiaux, Ed. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (1991)