Phelma Formation 2022

Neuroimaging methods - WPMGMNE2

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 7.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 7.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 1.5


The course "methods in neuroimaging in cognitive sciences" consists of an introduction to different experimental methodologies in neuroimaging (nature of measurements, instrumentation and measurement methodology, data processing, ...) and their application in cognitive sciences for study, analyze, understand and characterize the brain activities underlying cognitive functions in humans.

Contact Aurelie CAMPAGNE


The course focuses on central measures of brain activity (neuroimaging) and their application according to the type of scientific questions asked in cognitive sciences. It includes direct methods of electrophysiological measurements (surface and intracerebral EEG, MEG), and indirect methods of metabolic (PET, TEMP) and hemodynamics measurements (fMRI with also presentation of structural methods: anatomical MRI, diffusion MRI, scanner X ray).


The course is affordable without any prerequisites. However, having some basics in the neurophysiological functioning of the nervous system is an advantage.


SESSION 1 (on-site)
Exam procedures: written exam
Authorized documents: unauthorized documents
Examen note calculation: 100%

SESSION 2 (on-site)
Exam procedures: written or oral exam (depending on the number of students concerned)
Authorized documents: unauthorized documents
Examen note calculation: 100%

SESSION 1 (distance exam)
Exam procedures: written exam, synchronous online evaluation (all students compose at the same time) over a limited period of 2 hours, with camera necessarily activated to verify that they compose alone (by zoom or other videoconference modality) .
Tests will be done beforehand with the students to rule out any problem.
Authorized documents: unauthorized documents
Examen note calculation: 100%

SESSION 2 (distance exam)
Exam procedures: written or oral exam (depending on the number of students concerned). Written exam : synchronous online evaluation (all students compose at the same time) over a limited period of 2 hours, with camera necessarily activated. Oral exam: by zoom or other videoconference modality with camera necessarily activated. Tests will be done beforehand with the students to rule out any problem.
Authorized documents: unauthorized documents
Examen note calculation: 100%

Session 1 présentiel : 100% examen écrit
Session 2 présentiel : 100% examen
Session 1 à distance : 100% examen écrit
Session 2 à distance : 100% examen

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Double-Diploma Engineer/Master->Semester 9
Curriculum->Master->Semester 9