Number of hours
- Lectures 16.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 16.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 2.0
Functionnal and mechanical properties of polymer. Relation structure/properties
Contact Alain DUFRESNEContent(s)
Polymer structure. Characteristic temperatures in relation with structure and properties. Blend and copolymers. Polymer functional properties. Dielectric properties. Insulator. Electrical properties (Ionic conduction. Electronic conduction). Mechanical properties of solids, Viscoelasticity, Creep, Stress relaxation, Plastic deformation – High strain measurements, Dynamic measurements, Rheological study of viscoelastic materials, Mechanical properties of polymer melt.
Examination during 2 hours, documents given allowed. The exam can be written in English.
DS 2h avec documents pour 1ère et 2eme session (si conditions normales ou dégradées)