Phelma Formation 2022

Practical : Materials Science part 1B - 4PMMT3B6

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 14.0
    • Written tests 0


    ECTS 2.0


Make the relation between processing, microstructure and properties for the different classes of materials (polymers, ceramics and metallic alloys).
Lab session of 3,5h are based on various experimental tools for mechanical, optical, electrical, physico-chemical and microstructural characterization and lead to a report.

Contact Annie ANTONI


8 Lab sessions:

  1. Solidification of aluminium alloys: Al-Si-Mg
  2. Cementation of steels
  3. Fracture of brittle materials
  4. Optical and electrical characterization of III-V semiconductors
  5. Failure of thin films: the electromigration case
  6. Polymer synthesis
  7. Cristallization of polymers
  8. Tensile test of polymers


General background in cristallography, tensile test and ductile/brittle fracture.
General skills with binary diagrams, and solidication process.


Report per group for each lab session(80%)
Final multiple-choice questionnaire of 30 min on chamilo (authorized document: TP booklet without annotation + calculator) (20%)

In case of lock-down:
Report per group for each lab session(80%)
Final multiple-choice questionnaire of 30 min on chamilo (authorized document: TP booklet + personal notes + calculator) (20%)

Compte-rendus par groupe pour chaque TP (80% de la note)
QCM de 30 min sur chamilo en fin du cycle des TP (document autorisé : fascicule de TP non annoté, calculatrice recommandée) (20% de la note)

  • En cas de confinement:
    Compte-rendus par groupe pour chaque TP (80% de la note)
    QCM de 30 min sur chamilo en fin du cycle des TP (document autorisé : fascicule de TP et notes personnelles, calculatrice recommandée) (20% de la note)

Additional Information

This course brings 0.5 ECTS to students in UE Materials 1

Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 7
Curriculum->Apprentissage MEP->Semester 7


Métallurgie, du minerai au matériau -Philibert, Vignes, Bréchet, Combrade -Masson 1998
Précis de métallurgie - Barralis, Maeder- Nathan 1988
Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys. D. A. Porter, K. E. Easterling

  • Pratique des traitements thermochimiques, D. Ghiglione, 1997, Techniques de l'ingénieur.
  • Principes de base des traitements thermiques, thermomécaniques et thermochimiques des aciers,
    A Constant, 1992, PYC ed.
    Chapter 5 of “Ceramic Hardness” (IJ McColm)

    Mise à jour