Phelma Formation 2022

Project : Digital Signal Processing - 5PMSPSL1

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 0
    • Projects 32.0
    • Tutorials 0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0
    • Written tests 0


    ECTS 4.0


Assimilation of the theoretical aspects of digital signal processing (sampling, digital filtering, discrete Fourier transform and spectral analysis, etc.); Illustration of the deep learning course. Both of these objectives are fulfilled by implementing a speech / audio processing application using a variety of conventional digital signal processing techniques and / or deep neural networks. Two topics are proposed: speech denoising and voice conversion.

Contact Laurent GIRIN, Pascal PERRIER


  • Design, implementation and evaluation of a speech/audio signal processing application (speech denoising or voice conversion)
  • Implementation of various conventional digital signal processing techniques and/or deep neural networks
  • Assimilation of the underlying theoretical aspects

  • Fundamentals in analog and digital signal processing
  • Fundamentals in machine learning and deep learning
  • Knowledge of Matlab/Python and/or deep learning programming environments (e.g. Keras, Pytorch)


Written report describing the work done and experimental results + oral defense (30min or 45min) including questions

Session 1: Rapport de projet 50% + soutenance orale 50%
Session 2: Rapport de projet 50% + soutenance orale 50%. Un travail pratique complémentaire pourra être demandé en cas d'insuffisance du travail effectué.
Session 1 confinée: Rapport de projet 50% + soutenance orale 50%
Session 2 confinée: Rapport de projet 50% + soutenance orale 50%. Un travail pratique complémentaire pourra être demandé en cas d'insuffisance du travail effectué.

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->SICOM->Semester 9
Curriculum->Double-Diploma Engineer/Master->Semester 9


BELLANGER M., Traitement numérique du signal, Masson/CNET, Paris, 1990.
OPPENHEIM A.V., SHAFFER W.S., Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1975.
ROBERT R.A., MULLIS C.T., Digital Signal Processing, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1987.
Christopher Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2006.
Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, Deep learning. Nature, 521(7553), 436, 2015.