Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
- Projects 8.0
- Tutorials 8.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 16.0
ECTS 3.0
The objectives of this course are to show :
the physics of the core behaviour and in particular the coupling of neutron physics with thermal-hydraulics, in the different phases of the reactor operation
* the system as a whole is reactor is studied with all the complexity of the links between the nuclear core and the power grid.
Those at different states of the reactor operation :
* at "zero" power, i.e. without thermal feedbacks,
* before the coupling to the grid ("core driven"),
* after the coupling to the grid ("turbine driven").
The course is based on the use of the numerical simulator SIREP 1300MW of CORYS.
- Lab 1
Sub-critical approach, divergence, power stabilization,
Search of Point Of Added Heat (power level where thermal feedbacks appear), temperature feedback coefficients measurement
- Lab 2
Evaluation of the worth of core controls : Boron, control rods,
Power ramp up before grid connection ("core driven"), use of main systems for heat exchange.
- lab 3
Power ramp up after grid connection ("turbine driven"), behavior without core control by the operator,
Load following : temperature program, axial offset, core controls.
The simulator is very easy to use.
A text book is available.
Pressurized Water Reactors : principle and main systems.
Two-phase thermodynamics
Nuclear Reactor Kinetics
evaluation is based on
written preparation (Prepa)
final Report (CR)describing
the evolution of key parameters during simulated transients
simple modeling of those transients demonstrating the understanding of the most important phenomena
Only the final report could be redone.
Course anavailable distantly
Contrôle continu : CC
Examen écrit Session1 : rapport final
Examen écrit Session 2 : rapport final
N1 = Note finale session 1
N2 = Note finale session 2
En présentiel :
N1 =30 % CC + 70 % Rapport Final
N2 = 70% Rapport Final
En distanciel :
Commentaire :
Nordine Kerkar et Philippe Paulin « Exploitation des coeurs REP » - Collection Génie atomique INSTN/EDP-Sciences