Number of hours
- Lectures 10.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 10.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 0.0
This course completes the first year lectures in elementary quantum physics, with respect to the curriculum of the PMP section. At the end of this course, students are able to apply elementary Dirac formalism of quantum mechanics. The important example of the angular momentum operator is studied in depth, which allows solving the paradigmatic hydrogen atom problem.
Contact Clemens WINKELMANNContent(s)
Quantum Physics
- Chap 1 : Introduction : wave functions, Schrödinger equation
- Chap 2 : Dirac formalism
- 2.1. State space, operators
- 2.2. Postulates
- 2.3 Commutation and time evolution
- Chap 3 : Angular momenta
- 3.1 Orbital angular momentum
- 3.2 J+/- operators
- 3.3 Spin 1/2
- 3.4 Hydrogen atom
- Chap 4 : Variational description and molecular orbitals
Written exam 2h
session 1 = DS (2H) sans documents sauf feuille A4 manuscrite RV
session 2 = DS (2H) sans documents sauf feuille A4 manuscrite RV
session 1 confinée = DS (2H) sans documents sauf feuille A4 manuscrite RV
session 2 confinée = DS (2H) sans documents sauf feuille A4 manuscrite RV
Mécanique quantique, tome I, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Franck Laloë
Physique Quantique, Michel Le Bellac, EDP Sciences