Number of hours
- Lectures 14.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 12.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 2.0
The goal is to present electronic circuits and blocks typically included in a mobile phone.
Contact Tân-Phu VUONG Responsible(s)
Tân-Phu VUONG, Ghislaine MAURY
*Architecture of a mobile phone : analog and digital baseband, RF cicuits, power management, audio circuitry
*Filters (active and passive filters, synthesis methods)
*Oscillators (feedback, frequency stability, crystal oscillators, voltage controlled oscillators (VCO))
*Phase Locked Loop PLL (principle, stability, phase comparators, filters, VCO, frequency synthesis, …)
*DACs and ADCs
*Power cicuits, batteries
*Audio and video peripherals
Written exam (2 h)
- MCC en présentiel **
N1 = 1/3 TP encadré + 2/3 examen écrit
N2 = examen écrit
- MCC en présentiel **
- MCC en distanciel **
N1 = 1/3 TP à distance + 2/3 QCM en ligne
N2 = oral par visio (Zoom)
- MCC en distanciel **
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Embedded Systems & Connect. Devices - Semester 8
Additional Information
Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 7