Number of hours
- Lectures 0
- Projects 48.0
- Tutorials 0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 4.0
In general, design and completely validate an integrated hardware / software embedded system, from the architecture specification to the prototype, for example on a programmable network or on a microcontroller-based card.
Some subjects may be more on achievements mainly involving software, embedded or design assistance (for example, porting operating systems or CAD tools).
Each group of students has a different subject, with various fields of application (image processing, music, avionics, space, security and encryption, etc.).
The topics change every year.
The tools and techniques used depend of course on the subject but the general framework remains the same:
- Specification of the system architecture (hardware and / or software), definition of the production schedule
- Function development (hardware described at RTL or C level for high-level HLS synthesis, high-level language software and sometimes assembler for critical functions, etc.)
- Integration of the different parts of the system and according to the subjects placement / routing on a programmable network
- Demonstration at application level
Architecture and integrated systems course 2A, and depending on the subjects VHDL language, C programming, circuit design basics (logic design, CAD tools), operating systems basics
2 intermediate defenses counting globally for 30% of the mark
Report and final defense of 30 minutes per group (presentation, questions, demonstration)
Session 1 : soutenances intermédiaires (30%) et rapport + soutenance finale et démonstration (70%)
Si confinement : idem, mais soutenances via Zoom et démonstration adaptée
Pas de rattrapage