Phelma Formation 2022

Thermodynamics - 4PMBTHE3

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 11.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 6.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 1.5


Understanding and mastering of thermodynamics as a basis for stability studies and evolution conditions of physical and chemical systems.
Calculation of thermal balances (quantification of heat exchange for a reaction) in
association with a chemical process.
Study of equilibrium: forecast of equilibrium composition for a reactive mixture.
Prediction of the evolution of the system and determination of conditions for chemical
Concepts applications to examples and phenomena of biological interest.

Contact Annie ANTONI


Part 1: Chemical thermodynamics / chemical equilibrium
- Partial molar quantities
- Quantities of reaction
Chemical equilibrium:
- Criteria for equilibrium and spontaneous change
- Activity
- Equilibrium constant, law of mass action
- Principles of coupled reactions

Part 2: The behavior of solutions
- Non electrolyte / electrolyte solutions
- Colligative properties
- Biological membranes
- Solvent movement, solute movement, passive/active transport

Course sequence:
Flipped class for the course (files to learn at home or at school & e-course with video capsules)
and school sessions of explanations and exercices.


Fundamental principles and auxiliary functions (enthalpy, Gibbs energy, entropy)
(Handouts and exercises available)


Semester 7 - The exam is given in english only 

  • If at school:
    Session 1:
    Intermediate control on Part1 depending on students' origin:
    - PMP: mini-project for groups of 3-4 students (synthetic report on one of the experimental techniques used to acquire thermodynamics properties in the area of thermodynamics for biological science) (35%)
    - PET: problem to be solved for groups of 3-4 students (35%)
    Final exam: written exam 2h (authorized documents: one recto-verso A4 sheet of personal notes, calculator.) (65%)
    Session 2:
    written exam on Part 2, 2h (authorized documents: one recto-verso A4 sheet of personal notes, calculator.)
  • In case of lock-down: remote examination:
    Session 1:
    Intermediate control depending on students' origin:
    - PMP: mini-project for groups of 3 students (synthetic report on one of the experimental techniques used to acquire thermodynamics properties in the area of thermodynamics for biological science) (35%)
    - PET: problem to be solved for groups of 3 students (35%)
    Final exam: written exam 2h (authorized documents: Course documents + personal notes, calculator.) (65%)
    Subject downloaded on Chamilo - Exam supervised from your webcam on using Zoom - Written sheets scanned and uploaded on Chamilo. In case of technical problem it can be sent by an other service.

Session 2:
written exam 2h (authorized documents: one recto-verso A4 sheet of personal notes, calculator.)
Subject downloaded on Chamilo - Exam supervised from your webcam on using Zoom - Written sheets scanned and uploaded on Chamilo. In case of technical problem it can be sent by an other service.

session 1 condition normale : DM/report : 40 % + DS 60 %

session 2 condition normale : DS 100 %

session 1 condition confinement : DM/report : 40 % + DS 60 %

session 2 condition confinement : DS 100 %

Additional Information

Semester 7 - This course is given in english only EN

Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 7


P. Desre, F. Hodaj, Thermodynamique des Materiaux - Equilibres de Phases et Metastabilite, EDP Sciences, 2010.
B. Diu, C. Guthmann, D. Lederer, B. Roulet, Thermodynamique, Hermann, 2007.
D.R. Gaskell, Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor Francis, 2003.
D. Haynie, Biological Thermodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
H-G. Lee, Chemical Thermodynamics for Metals and Materials, Imperial College Press, 2000.
C.H.P. Luis, Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials, Elsevier, 1983.
P. Papon, J. Leblond, Thermodynamique des Etats de la Matiere, Hermann, 1990.
M. Thellier, C. Ripoll, Bases Thermodynamiques de la Biologie cellulaire, Dunod, 1991.